How Can We Generate New Utopias from the South?
How Can We Generate New Utopias from the South?
Hear a conversation highlighting the importance of developing an artistic language in the constant struggle against patriarchal, colonial, and capitalist dimensions of our society.
MoMA online
February 08, 2022 | 5:00 pm
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Presented by

The Museum of Modern Art
New York, NY

About The Speakers

Mujeres Creando is an autonomous, self-managed anarcha-feminist movement founded in 1992 in La Paz, Bolivia. It is a movement independent from political parties, NGOs, churches, or any other institution. It is integrated by women from different cultural and social origins. One of the collective’s graffiti reads, “Indias, putas y lesbianas juntas revueltas y hermanadas” (Indigenous, whores, and lesbians together in revolt and in sisterhood). This affirmation constitutes the main political subject from whence Mujeres Creando is born and organized. Creativity becomes an instrument for activism—visible in various political, aesthetic, and creative manifestations—and for their own production of feminist thought and discourse. Mujeres Creando coordinates two houses where they create and manage a series of initiatives for women in Bolivia, an independent radio channel, and a free service for judicial assistance for women who suffer from patriarchal violence.


Danitza Luna is a cartoonist and graphic designer. She graduated in visual arts at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, with a specialization in sculpture. Since 2011, she has been a member of the anarcha-feminist political movement Mujeres Creando. She is author of the second sculptural version of the figurine La Ekeka, developed by Mujeres Creando; author and administrator for the Talleres de Gráfica Feminista; and co-author of El Milagroso altar blasfemo (The Miraculous Blasphemous Altar), with Esther Argollo and Maria Galindo.

Julieta Ojeda, member of Mujeres Creando, feminist, anarchist, and anti-licentiate, has been part of a committed and active struggle for the decriminalization of abortion in Bolivia for more than two decades. She is the cohost and producer of the radio program Ni el útero abierto, ni la boca cerrada (Neither open uterus, nor closed mouth).

Catarina Duncan’s curatorial work focuses on cultural practices and territorial identities in Latin America. She is currently curator at Solar dos Abacaxis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Duncan was part of the curatorial team of the 32nd Bienal de São Paulo, INCERTEZA VIVA (2015–16); the 36th Panorama of Brazilian Art, SERTÃO (2019); Pivô Arte e Pesquisa (2014–15); and the exhibition Terra Communal Marina Abramović in Sesc Pompéia (2015). She was curator of the public programming of the work Cura Bra Cura Té, by Ernesto Neto, at Pinacoteca (2019) and of the Plataforma Crítica Oficina Brennand (2020). Duncan represented the Third Paradise project by Michelangelo Pistoletto in Latin America (2019–21) and the COINCIDÊNCIA program of the Swiss foundation Pro Helvetia (2017–20).

Image: Mujeres Creando during public manifestation for indigenous women rights / courtesy of Mujeres Creando

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