A Convening on the Occasion of Another Tradition: Drawings by Black Artists from the American South
A Convening on the Occasion of Another Tradition: Drawings by Black Artists from the American South
In celebration of Another Tradition: Drawings by Black Artists from the American South, join 3 prominent scholars (Kinshasha Holman Conwill, Valerie Cassel Oliver, and Richard Powell) as they consider topics inspired by the works in the exhibition.
Morgan Library & Museum online
November 03, 2021 | 1:00 pm
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Speaker details

See below for more information.

How to watch

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Presented by

The Morgan Library & Museum
New York, NY

About The Talks

Ninety-Nine and a Half Won’t Do: Vision and Commitment In the Work of Southern Black Artists
Kinshasha Holman Conwill, Deputy Director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture  

Dispatches from the Mind of Purvis
Valerie Cassel Oliver, Sydney and Frances Lewis Family Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Richard Powell, John Spencer Bassett Professor of Art & Art History at Duke University

Image: Thornton Dial, Ladies Stand by the Tiger, 1991 / photo by Janny Chiu, 2021. © 2021 Estate of Thornton Dial / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.