GIRLHOOD is a dark comedy that follows a diverse and tight-knit group of friends navigating the tragedies of adolescence, and the small cruelties they inflict upon each other while they look for their places in the world.
Lenfest Center for the Arts
June 19, 2022 | 2:30 pm
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Lenfest Center for the Arts
615 W 129th St
New York, NY

About The Performance

by Ida Esmaeili
Directed by Rebecca Miller-Kratzer



In an Upper East Side apartment, seven teenage girls gather over the course of a year as they prepare for their debutante ball: a night which will ultimately change their lives in ways they never could have predicted. 


GIRLHOOD is a dark comedy that follows a diverse and tight-knit group of friends navigating the tragedies of adolescence, and the small cruelties they inflict upon each other while they look for their places in the world. They are funny. They are strong. They are deeply flawed. And they are figuring it out. 


This is a play about friendship. This is a play about growing up. This is a play about power, in a world where young women are told they don’t have any.

Image: courtesy of Columbia University School of the Arts