Mirror Image: A Transformation of Chinese Identity
Mirror Image: A Transformation of Chinese Identity
This exhibition presents 19 artworks by seven artists, born in mainland China in the 1980s.
Asia Society
June 15, 2022 to August 14, 2022
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About the exhibition

This exhibition presents 19 artworks by seven artists, born in mainland China in the 1980s. Belonging to what is referred to as the ba ling hou generation, they grew up in a post-Mao China shaped by the one-child policy and the influx of foreign investment. Comprising painting, sculpture, performance, installation, video, digital art, and photography, the exhibition reflects the dramatic economic, political, and cultural shifts the artists have experienced in China during their lifetimes.

Artist list

Tianzhuo Chen
Born 1985 in Beijing, China; lives and works in Beijing
Cui Jie
Born 1983 in Shanghai, China; lives and works in Beijing, China
Pixy Liao
Born 1979 in Shanghai, China; lives and works in Brooklyn, New York
Liu Shiyuan
Born 1985 in Beijing, China; lives and works in Beijing and Copenhagen, Denmark
Miao Ying
Born 1985 in Shanghai, China; lives and works in Shanghai and New York City
Born 1984 in Inner Mongolia, China; lives and works in Beijing, China
Tao Hui
Born 1987 in Chongqing, China; lives and works in Beijing, China

Presented by

Asia Society
725 Park Ave
New York, NY

Image: Tianzhuo Chen. Trance, 2019 (video still). Courtesy of the artist and BANK/MABSOCIETY. Image courtesy of the artist, BANK/MABSOCIETY, and Asia Society Museum, New York