Based loosely on the 1933 murders committed by Christine and Lea Papin, Pair explores the subtle tyranny of care work, the longing of the powerless for empire, and the tiny twisted pocket world a relationship creates.
Lenfest Center for the Arts
July 30, 2022 | 8:00 pm
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Lenfest Center for the Arts
615 W 129th St
New York, NY

About The Performance

by Kate Pressman
Directed by Logan Reed

“You’re amazing” – “You’re amazing”
“You’re amazing” – “You’re amazing”

Two au pairs in a tiny room in the eaves of a Swiss chalet.

A chance to see the world before their “real lives” of middle class conformity begin.

There’s something that happens when you’re trapped in a place with someone. There’s something that happens when you’re the only two people on earth that matter. There’s something that happens when the place you’re trapped in doesn’t see you. 

That tension creates pressure.
That pressure finds a release.

Based loosely on the 1933 murders committed by Christine and Léa Papin – the murders that inspired Jean Genet’s The Maids, Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite, and a century of films, novels, songs, and Law and Order episodes in between – Pair explores the subtle tyranny of care work, the longing of the powerless for empire, and the tiny twisted pocket world a relationship creates.

Image: courtesy of Columbia University School of the Arts