Underground Fairy
Underground Fairy
Meditate on themes of isolation, inclusiveness and the meaning of “community” as this virtual play by Satoko Ichihara follows Euriaeria, a half-fairy-half-human living in a fairy community. Elements of audience participation will be incorporated.
Japan Society online
November 18, 2020 | 8:00 pm
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Performance details

Satoko Ichihara
Tara Ahmadinejad

How to watch

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Presented by

Japan Society
New York, NY

About This Event

Written by award-winning playwright/director Satoko IchiharaUnderground Fairy addresses themes of isolation, inclusiveness and the meaning of “community” as the play follows Euriaeria, a half-fairy-half-human living in a fairy community. While Euriaeria is accepted by the fairies, is their inclusiveness genuine if she is viewed as an outsider? Using a series of absurd vignettes, Ichihara questions societal norms and feelings of isolation and segregation. Known for her cross-disciplinary collaborations, NY-based director Tara Ahmadinejad will lead American actors in creating an innovative online presentation.

Elements of audience participation will be incorporated in this innovative online production. There will be a live post-performance Q&A with Tara Ahmadinejad and Satoko Ichihara (in Tokyo).

Image: Courtesy of Japan Society